Lueda Alia
creative, mentor, producer

From an early ageā¦
Creativity has always felt like an innate expression of who I am. My first memories involve drawing, dancing, writing and playing the piano. Reading books too, and learning from the wise (wo)man I encounter through them.

Storytelling is my love language.
Our lives have meaning and I believe we all have a story to tell. But we must first know who we are, what our purpose is and where our gifts lie. Know thyself, the saying goes. And there is no better way to discover oneself than through the inner work involved in creative expression.
After years of collaborating with incredible artists, while also pursuing a career in research, I began to develop a deeper understanding of how creativity is connected to the human psyche, consciousness expansion and healing.

Today, I collaborate with people or teams to work through blocks in a meaningful way and bring out the best in themselves or their ideas. My approach to this personal and creative growth is rooted in philosophy and depth psychology.